Monday January 13th

Dijverhof Ei live in a week

Dijverhof Ei went live with OVO-Vision within a week and even had a higher output compared to the same period last year

Dijverhof Ei B.V. was acquired in November last year by the Interovo egg group

Interovo is a long-term user of OVO-Vision and has implemented the system in almost all associated companies.
Because of a standardized setup and using industry standards for interfacing to graders and weighing scales, the role out could be done very fast. Due to the group structure, Dijverhof Ei can focus on ‘Scharrel’ (similar as cage free) and has the benefit of offering a wider spread of products coming from the group. All intercompany transactions are taken care of through OVO-Vision. Several back office functions, like poultry farm invoices, where moved to headquarters.

Since Interovo has a large amount of international located suppliers, contract farmers and their own farms the need of a very reliable, detailed and easy to use tracking and tracing system is evident.
With the complete integrated OVO-Vision solution there is a guarantee that all logistical, technical and financial information will be processed in an accurate way all over the group. The predictability and transparency makes the group very efficient and profitable.



For more information please contact us.

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