
A comprehensive module for Flock management.


OVO-Vision consists of a comprehensive module for Flock management, which is fully integrated in OVO-Vision. The advantage of this is that both flock management and the financials are updated at the same time. This is why flock management in OVO-Vision not only supplies technical information but also logistical, financial and management information.

The integration makes it possible to automatically use the flock data when creating invoices, invoices for pullets, day old chicks feed and all related supplies.

  • Flock journal and data entry will be minimized and the data is available in a central database in a standardized format
  • Plans for sampling and other activities in rearing and production such as vaccinations and bird movement that has to be done for a flock, can be stored in activity planning; this plan can be applied to a flock.
  • The activities can be assigned to roles and contacts and appear in the activity list of the corresponding roles to follow up
  • Even eggs received from third party farms can be invoiced based on the posted receipts and the grading results
  • All characteristics per batch of eggs can change daily and be set up as requested: feed type, housing, region, beak trimming, certificates and many more
  • Price agreements that are set up for the flock will be applied automatically

“Flock management supplies technical, logistical, financial and management information.”

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