Spot market integration
Spot market integration into production planning
How to plan the expected spot market purchases into the production planning.
In the case you are purchasing eggs in on the spot market it is always challenging to know how they can fit into your production plan. Not only the properties like housing type and feed formulation, more important is the expected grade out result of every pallet or batch.
With the OVO-Vision production planning you can have an insight in your rough material inventory to allocate eggs to specific production orders. For eggs coming from internal flocks or contract farmers we know all
the properties and based on the last grade out, we know the expected number of eggs per grader group.
For eggs coming from the sport market we now can enter a purchase order into OVO-Vision with some additional information:
– OVO-Properties
– Production date (date of lay)
– Expected average gram weight
With these additions the system easily can allocate now expected Spot market receipts and:
– Divided the expected eggs into the correct classes
– Show up on the requested correct production date
– Can be matched with the customer requirements
Based on this additional information the system even can allocate these purchases in case a downgrade needs to be done.
For more information please contact us.